Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Is Santa actually coming to town?
Well for sure he has arrived on the Isle of Minutia! You may have to do some hiking around to find his workshop but it is all in good fun!(Hint... it's in a rather snowy and cold region of Minutia ) And don't tell anyone but on Christmas morning you may just find a special gift... but only to those who can figure out a way to get inside his snow bubble. ;-)
Check it out.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Thesuvius D-Zone Discovered in a Shed!
It was mystery for a while among Minutians until a recent teleport station was found in an old shed dating back to the early 1900s. Oddly enough, this strange conduit existed long before either space travel or vicarious experiences through avatars were available.
The Isle of Minutia continues to expands its theme areas and with the Thesuvius D-Zone now in place there are over half a dozen major areas to explore and enjoy in this worlds within worlds. A well deserved escape from your daily routine.
It is fun to explore around and see how long it takes to find all the secrets in the search for Minutia...
Video: http://youtu.be/GnwimD-xEN0
Monday, 12 November 2012
Elusive Pecunia Arbor Found and Harvested!
To All Minutian Citizens and Pre-Citizens
We're having a little ceremony in the Isle of Minuta at 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time TODAY to present a cheque to our Citizen 102 Minic for finding and being the first to Harvest the elusive Pecunia Arbor Tree!!! Minic was fortunate enough to not only find the tree but she waited until it fully ripened and so was eligible to receive its maximum value upon delivery!
We will be meeting in an open field (the entry point has been adjusted to this location) and hiking a short distance to the hidden location to present the cheque to Minic.
Everyone is invited to not only see the location of the tree but have a short meet and greet with fellow "Minutians". The ceremony will not take long and we hope you will join us at 2:00pm PST this afternoon November 12, 2012.
Login as a Minutian by running the Minutia software and clicking on the Minutian button and entering your Login and Password as indicated in your original Signup email
Cheers and hope to see you there!
Artist3d Isle of Minutia
We will be meeting in an open field (the entry point has been adjusted to this location) and hiking a short distance to the hidden location to present the cheque to Minic.
Everyone is invited to not only see the location of the tree but have a short meet and greet with fellow "Minutians". The ceremony will not take long and we hope you will join us at 2:00pm PST this afternoon November 12, 2012.
Login as a Minutian by running the Minutia software and clicking on the Minutian button and entering your Login and Password as indicated in your original Signup email
Cheers and hope to see you there!
Artist3d Isle of Minutia
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
I.O.M News Copters Monitor the Harvest
According to recent reports Isle of Minutia I.O.M. News helicopters were out in full force monitoring the elusive Pecunia Harvest for a potential delivery of the crop which was rumoured to have fully ripened before any citizen found it!
Alas the delicate harvest worth up to $128 cash, spoils completely within 12 Minutian Days and the elusive tree disappears to begin its growing cycle all over again. Those with a current Farm Report http://minutia.ca/challenges/reports/farm_reports.php can track its value but some citizens say they have found free copies left hanging about.
Hard to say ;-) One farmer was heard to say, these tourists who visit Minutia should look at becoming annual citizens at a fraction of the cost of what a single harvest will bring in. http://minutia.ca/passports
The Season of the Harvest Continues...
Friday, 26 October 2012
Details: the Pecunia Arbor Harvest 2012
To All Minitian Citizens and Pre-Citizens of the Isle of Minutia
The fragrant Season of the Pecunia Arbor Harvest is upon us on the little Isle of Minutia!
Miniature World is sponsoring a payment of up to $128 Can. funds for a harvested crate of virtual reality fruit called Pecunias from the elusive Pecunia Arbor Tree. This unique little tree is known more popularly by 'the locals' as the Minutian 'money tree' for its potentially valuable crop. While one often hears that "money doesn't grow on trees", alas the unique atmospheric and environmental qualities of Minutia's virtual environment provides excellent conditions for the elusive Pecunia Arbor.
Please see http://www.minutia.ca/challenges/ for all Faqs and Details about the Harvesting the Elusive Pecunia Arbor Tree.
See also www.youtube.com/embed/qA86LYjH3Hw
Saturday, 20 October 2012
It's the Season of the Harvest & Trading Post Opened in Land of Gulliver!
Minutia's Season of the Harvest is a special time of the year where something equivalent to the search for the great pumpkin becomes the the Search for Minutia's elusive 'money tree' also know by its Latin name the Pecunia Arbor. It is so elusive that whenever someone picks the fruit, it disappears and pops up somewhere else and so the hunt is the challenge!
The locals call it the money tree because they say it smells like money but the real reason is that Miniature World offers up to $128 a crate for the harvested fruit which grows more valuable as it matures. Citizens of the Isle of Minutia who check the daily Farm Report can keep track of the value of the tree as it doubles every day until it matures.
The Isle of Minutia features a Testing Tree at the centre of the little world that everyone can practice on so they are prepared when they find the official tree to harvest and deliver it quickly! Harvesting is as easy as clicking each fruit until the lid on the crate appears sealed at which time the citizen simply clicks the lid and fills in the delivery form. If they hold an Annual or Founding Citizenship and are first to deliver a crate then they can, if the harvest is not too young, receive straight up cash for their delivery! Then the hunt begins again!
So it is all in good fun and the Season's Pecunia Arbort hunt is on as of October 17th through till the new year at least depending on growing conditions.
TRADING POST OPENED in the Land of Gulliver.
Citizens will be happy to know that the first official Minutia Trading Post has opened in the Land of Gulliver and it is there that any final Passport Stamps can be purchased along with real tickets to Miniature World downtown Victoria and other items that are cool to have when hiking around the Isle.
Daily Farm Reports are also available for anyone who has found a Pecunia Arbor tree and wishes the most up to date information about the value of the harvest at any time. Annual Citizenships are also readily available at the Trading Post. Check it out.
Pre-Citizenship is free if you want to just check the Isle of Minutia out. Go to http://minutia.ca/passports
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Minutia to Open Trading Posts!
The last month or two has been a busy time on the Isle of Minutia with a slow but steady growth in the population. We have many Founding Citizens claiming their complimentary Passports and an excellerating stream of Pre-Citizens joining up! (Pre-Citizens can find and collect Passport Stamps and earn a free Annual Passport Citizenship)
Any day now, the first opening of a Minutia's Trading Post is scheduled and it will be located in the Land of Gulliver. There are a lot of items that will be available at the Trading Post including a quick way to finish filling in a Citizenship Passport as well as items to enhance the Minutian experience, like personal riding horses and you guessed it... personal hoverboards. You will even be able to pick up tickets to the 'real-world' Miniature World in downtown Victoria!
Stay tuned, they say "money doesn't grow on trees" but of course that may only be a limitation of the so-called 'real world' ;-) All pre-citizens and citizens will soon be receiving an email regarding HARVEST TIME IN MINUTIA!
Any day now, the first opening of a Minutia's Trading Post is scheduled and it will be located in the Land of Gulliver. There are a lot of items that will be available at the Trading Post including a quick way to finish filling in a Citizenship Passport as well as items to enhance the Minutian experience, like personal riding horses and you guessed it... personal hoverboards. You will even be able to pick up tickets to the 'real-world' Miniature World in downtown Victoria!
Stay tuned, they say "money doesn't grow on trees" but of course that may only be a limitation of the so-called 'real world' ;-) All pre-citizens and citizens will soon be receiving an email regarding HARVEST TIME IN MINUTIA!
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Mini Creations first Isle of Minutia "Real World" business affiliate!
The Isle of Minutia received its first application for a limited number of free shops to be placed among its many theme areas. Pre-citizen Minic, aka Pat Weber of Shakespeare, Ontario was one of the first responders to a call-out for interested people in the 'miniatures' industry to set up shop in our miniature Miniature World.
All 'real-world' shops set up in Isle of Minutia link directly back to the respective business's web site and although it will be awhile before the population of Minutia grows, those early birds who show interest are in for special treatment and a significant presence in this little world. Ambient soundtrack and video is also an option to add to the interior of the stores.
The theme areas within the land of Minutia are many and varied and in this case Minic chose Land of Gulliver which she felt best suited her store which is not only online at http://www.minicreations.ca/ but she also has a real world store at 100 Huron in Shakespeare, Ontario.
In business since 2009, Mini Creations, has become part of Minutia's bridge building efforts between the virtual world and the real world, not just for the obvious fun... but profit. The Isle of Minutia welcomes Minic as a Minutian with enthusiam and a sense of mutual wonder at what is possible in the 21st century!
Sunday, 12 August 2012
86,400 moments in a day.
Enjoy a few on the Isle of Minutia!
Avatar Added:
Our 17th century violinist has been added. "you'll already know how to play" ;-)
HELP FILE update:
A few people have asked for a printable list of keyboard commands available from within the Isle of Minutia and so I have compiled an addendum to the Help files http://minutia.ca/help called "Keyboard Commands" with a link to a 'Print Friendly' page you can print. While navigation is fundamentally as easy as using the Arrow Keys to maneuver, there are a number of other options worth noting that add to the ability to get around Minutia and offer configuration options you may appreciate. Map overview coming soon!
Citizenship can be free:
Currently we have initiated an 'earn a free Annual Citizenship' option that will also extend to existing Citizenships an entire additional year for free. It is all about the 'mojo of curiosity' in Minutia, if you find the 10 individual Verified Passport Stamps placed throughout the lands and send us a confirmation through the form that pops when you click on each one, then, we update your Passport Account accordingly and issue a Citizenship or extend your existing one. Those who have their Minutia Citizenship already, know the fun of customizing one's avatar and that option and the authorization to participate in challenges and rewards is reason enough to make sure you have secured one. The final treasure far outweighs the initial value of a citizenship! You can of course purchase an Annual Minutia Citizenship here. http://minutia.ca/passports
Expansion Update:
Two more Theme areas are being developed: you can watch them grow if you can find them... ;-)
Where is everybody?
Well aside from who wants to be in front of a computer on a hot summer's day?, realistically there are 86,400 moments in a typical day so, with Minutians coming in from a variety of time zones and personal schedules, those are the odds that you will meet someone randomly until our populations grows considerably. Of course yours truly is in and out of there on a regular basis but from experience, it is a lot more fun going for a virtual horseback ride with a friend so be sure to meet friends at a pre-arranged time via email, you can use the contact list to see when others are online if you add them. That said, if you know a friend who might be interested in our little world, please let them know about our free pre-citizen accounts available now off the http://www.miniatureworld.com/ website from any Isle of Minutia link. A pre-citizen account is almost entirely functional and there is a nice list of some great avatars to choose from. And pssst... any referrals that become citizens will add a month to your own if they mention you sent them.
That's all for now
Co-ordinating Architect
Our 17th century violinist has been added. "you'll already know how to play" ;-)
HELP FILE update:
A few people have asked for a printable list of keyboard commands available from within the Isle of Minutia and so I have compiled an addendum to the Help files http://minutia.ca/help called "Keyboard Commands" with a link to a 'Print Friendly' page you can print. While navigation is fundamentally as easy as using the Arrow Keys to maneuver, there are a number of other options worth noting that add to the ability to get around Minutia and offer configuration options you may appreciate. Map overview coming soon!
Citizenship can be free:
Currently we have initiated an 'earn a free Annual Citizenship' option that will also extend to existing Citizenships an entire additional year for free. It is all about the 'mojo of curiosity' in Minutia, if you find the 10 individual Verified Passport Stamps placed throughout the lands and send us a confirmation through the form that pops when you click on each one, then, we update your Passport Account accordingly and issue a Citizenship or extend your existing one. Those who have their Minutia Citizenship already, know the fun of customizing one's avatar and that option and the authorization to participate in challenges and rewards is reason enough to make sure you have secured one. The final treasure far outweighs the initial value of a citizenship! You can of course purchase an Annual Minutia Citizenship here. http://minutia.ca/passports
Expansion Update:
Two more Theme areas are being developed: you can watch them grow if you can find them... ;-)
Where is everybody?
Well aside from who wants to be in front of a computer on a hot summer's day?, realistically there are 86,400 moments in a typical day so, with Minutians coming in from a variety of time zones and personal schedules, those are the odds that you will meet someone randomly until our populations grows considerably. Of course yours truly is in and out of there on a regular basis but from experience, it is a lot more fun going for a virtual horseback ride with a friend so be sure to meet friends at a pre-arranged time via email, you can use the contact list to see when others are online if you add them. That said, if you know a friend who might be interested in our little world, please let them know about our free pre-citizen accounts available now off the http://www.miniatureworld.com/ website from any Isle of Minutia link. A pre-citizen account is almost entirely functional and there is a nice list of some great avatars to choose from. And pssst... any referrals that become citizens will add a month to your own if they mention you sent them.
That's all for now
Co-ordinating Architect
Saturday, 21 July 2012
UFOs spotted on the Isle of Minutia?
Three strange unidentified 'floating' objects suddenly appeared in the sky above the Isle of Minutia and it has visitors and the citizenry wondering if some kind of extravirtualesstrial beings have taken up residence in the air space above the tiny little isle. A spokesperson from Minutia said they just appeared out of thin air and seem to have positioned themselves in a stationary geosynchronis orbit. "We are still looking into who or what they are and what purpose or threat they may present... but so far they just seem to be observing us."
Meanwhile the long summer days on Minutia continue to clock in every two hours. It would seem all effforts to make contact with these 'visitors' bounce off some kind of force field. More later.
Meanwhile the long summer days on Minutia continue to clock in every two hours. It would seem all effforts to make contact with these 'visitors' bounce off some kind of force field. More later.
![]() |
Minutian observes strange phenomenon in the skies above the Isle of Minutia July 21th 2012 |
Saturday, 14 July 2012
In Search of Minutia...
While an Annual Minutia Citizenship Passports works out to only about $3.33/month, the Minutian Admin has decided that since it is an all ages family oriented online world there should be a way to get a citizenship for free, particlularly for children.
So, throughout the Isle of Minuta there are a series of 10 different Passport Stamps that you can collect to qualify for a free Annual Passport. When you find one you simply click it to claim it in the Immigration Booth .If you use the same email address and name we should be able to track and award you a citizenship when you have found all 10.
Example: The miniature Miniature World Passport Stamp |
Citizenship enhances the features that are available to you including being able to customize and save various versions of your Avatar, keep a contact list and participate in claiming various rewards you may also find 'in them thar virtual hills' ;-)
Existing citizens who have paid for an Annual Passport can also get in on the 'search for minutia' by finding all 10 of the different Passport Stamps and extending their citizenship by another year.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Minutia Bank Established in Calgary 1890s
Oddly enough "Angela Banker" also known as Minutian Citizen #15 Keshi built us a fabulous little bank for our Calgary 1890s theme area on the Isle of Minutia and while she is still installing the bank's safety deposit boxes, the bank should be open for business in a matter of days. One of the items the bank will be issuing will be "Link Certificates" for a $1.00 that citizens can post on public walls of their choice. These Link Certificates can be a photo or image of choice and link to any personal webpage or even Facebook or Twitter account.
Isle of Minutia is building all kinds of bridges out to the so-called realer world to let people know that there are a vast variety of ways to re-invent social and business networking. This little 3D world aims to demonstrate how much fun it can really be ;-) Join us and see for yourself http://www.minutia.ca/passports
stay tuned.
Isle of Minutia is building all kinds of bridges out to the so-called realer world to let people know that there are a vast variety of ways to re-invent social and business networking. This little 3D world aims to demonstrate how much fun it can really be ;-) Join us and see for yourself http://www.minutia.ca/passports
stay tuned.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Over the weekend we were able to finally get some decent horseback riding in Minutia!! What a nice way to get around... when you see a horse with it's legs moving, those are the ones you can ride. All you have to do is click the saddle and you will be "in the saddle" ready to enjoy the many trails and pathways winding throughout the Isle of Minutia.
We'd like to welcome a few people who have ventured in lately and hope they are enjoying themselves, particularly Liam and Catfyre and Gunny as well as Caryl who was last seen flying a Dragon high above Minutia... where did you find that Dragon
Please note that official Passport citizenship documents are soon to be emailed to all our Minutian citizens. Get your passport to ensure you get all the latest updates regarding challenges and rewards offered and updated regularly!
We'd like to welcome a few people who have ventured in lately and hope they are enjoying themselves, particularly Liam and Catfyre and Gunny as well as Caryl who was last seen flying a Dragon high above Minutia... where did you find that Dragon
Please note that official Passport citizenship documents are soon to be emailed to all our Minutian citizens. Get your passport to ensure you get all the latest updates regarding challenges and rewards offered and updated regularly!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Well the band may have been a tad late getting to the hall in the Enchanted Castle region of Minutia but Miniature World's new Isle of Minutia launched on May 24th, 2012 after a little over two years in development.
Also, a special introductory offer to download the little Minutia world for free was created and is available till June 15th 2012.
Anyone interested who is running a PC computer (sorry not for Macs) can go to http://minutia.ca/passports and find out more about this special free option. Check the system requirements at the bottm of that page.
When you come in look for yours truly Artist3d, I would be more than happy to show you around :-)
Also, a special introductory offer to download the little Minutia world for free was created and is available till June 15th 2012.
Anyone interested who is running a PC computer (sorry not for Macs) can go to http://minutia.ca/passports and find out more about this special free option. Check the system requirements at the bottm of that page.
When you come in look for yours truly Artist3d, I would be more than happy to show you around :-)
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Isle of Minutia approaching Launch date May 24th Midnight!
After two years plus in development Miniature World is ready to launch their 3D Isle of Minutia cyber-portal at midnight Wednesday May23rd/24th 2012.
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