Friday 26 October 2012

Details: the Pecunia Arbor Harvest 2012

To All Minitian Citizens and Pre-Citizens of the Isle of Minutia
The fragrant Season of the Pecunia Arbor Harvest is upon us on the little Isle of Minutia!

Miniature World is sponsoring a payment of up to $128 Can. funds for a harvested crate of virtual reality fruit called Pecunias from the elusive Pecunia Arbor Tree. This unique little tree is known more popularly by 'the locals' as the
Minutian 'money tree' for its potentially valuable crop. While one often hears that "money doesn't  grow on trees", alas the unique atmospheric and environmental qualities of Minutia's virtual environment provides excellent conditions for the elusive Pecunia Arbor.

Please see for all Faqs and Details about the Harvesting the Elusive Pecunia Arbor Tree.

See also

Saturday 20 October 2012

It's the Season of the Harvest & Trading Post Opened in Land of Gulliver!

Minutia's Season of the Harvest is a special time of the year where something equivalent to the search for the great pumpkin becomes the the Search for Minutia's elusive 'money tree' also know by its Latin name the Pecunia Arbor. It is so elusive that whenever someone picks the fruit, it disappears and pops up somewhere else and so the hunt is the challenge!

The locals call it the money tree because they say it smells like money but the real reason is that Miniature World offers up to $128 a crate for the harvested fruit which grows more valuable as it matures. Citizens of the Isle of Minutia who check the daily Farm Report can keep track of the value of the tree as it doubles every day until it matures.

The Isle of Minutia features a Testing Tree at the centre of the little world that everyone can practice on so they are prepared when they find the official tree to harvest and deliver it quickly! Harvesting is as easy as clicking each fruit until the lid on the crate appears sealed at which time the citizen simply clicks the lid and fills in the delivery form. If they hold an Annual or Founding Citizenship and are first to deliver a crate then they can, if the harvest is not too young, receive straight up cash for their delivery! Then the hunt begins again!

So it is all in good fun and the Season's Pecunia Arbort hunt is on as of October 17th through till the new year at least depending on growing conditions.

TRADING POST OPENED in the Land of Gulliver.
Citizens will be happy to know that the first official Minutia Trading Post has opened in the Land of Gulliver and it is there that any final Passport Stamps can be purchased along with real tickets to Miniature World downtown Victoria and other items that are cool to have when hiking around the Isle.

Daily Farm Reports are also available for anyone who has found a Pecunia Arbor tree and wishes the most up to date information about the value of the harvest at any time. Annual Citizenships are also readily available at the Trading Post. Check it out.

Pre-Citizenship is free if you want to just check the Isle of Minutia out. Go to

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Minutia to Open Trading Posts!

The last month or two has been a busy time on the Isle of Minutia with a slow but steady growth in the population. We have many Founding Citizens claiming their complimentary Passports and an excellerating stream of Pre-Citizens joining up! (Pre-Citizens can find and collect Passport Stamps and earn a free Annual Passport Citizenship)

Any day now, the first opening of a Minutia's Trading Post is scheduled and it will be located in the Land of Gulliver. There are a lot of items that will be available at the Trading Post including a quick way to finish filling in a Citizenship Passport as well as items to enhance the Minutian experience, like personal riding horses and you guessed it... personal hoverboards. You will even be able to pick up tickets to the 'real-world' Miniature World in downtown Victoria!

Stay tuned, they say "money doesn't grow on trees" but of course that may only be a limitation of the so-called 'real world' ;-) All pre-citizens and citizens will soon be receiving an email regarding HARVEST TIME IN MINUTIA!